2nd Annual Regional Human Trafficking Summit


For Advocates Against Human Trafficking


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2022 7:30 AM to 4:15 PM
    From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Voices of Survivors Project
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2022 7:30 AM to 3:45 PM

Summit Agenda



MC – Shamere McKenzie, CEO, Sun Gate Foundation

7:30am Opening of Virtual Summit
8:00am Video Recording from Admiral Rachel L. Levine

17th Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
8:05am Marvin Figueroa, Director, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
8:10am Dr. Erin McDonald, Regional Administrator, Administration for Children & Families

Hear how systems can work together to provide trauma-informed care. Also, learn how advocating in one part of the system can impact other areas or the entire system.
8:35am Suleman Masood
Mr. Masood is a subject matter expert on domestic labor trafficking and male victimization. Mr. Masood’s experience includes collaborating with victim service providers on advocating for ways to improve the quality of services for trafficking survivors.
Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the gaps in law and policy for survivors of labor trafficking.
  • Identify institutional barriers to accessing services for survivors of labor trafficking.
  • Identify promising practices to create a more inclusive environment for survivors of labor trafficking.

Moderator: Nathan Earl, Principal Consultant at Giant Slayer Consulting

9:30am Networking Rooms/Exhibitor Room visits
9:45am Trauma-Informed Care: Cultural, Historic and Gender Issues
Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the six trauma-informed care principles through diverse cultural lenses
  • Better understand gender-based biases that inhibit a human trafficking survivor’s recovery
  • Understand a broader scope of trauma-informed approaches unique to a human trafficking survivor’s identity

Tanya Gould, Survivor Leader & Expert
Evelyn Chumbow, Survivor of Child Labor Trafficking/Activist
Jeynce Poindexter, Case Manager, Ruth Ellis Center

Moderator: Dawn Schiller, Training Director, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST), LA County Project, Human Trafficking Survivor Leader

10:45am Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women

This panel will address the intersection between human trafficking and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) crisis. Discussion will include the historical context, contributing factors, modern challenges, and key steps for navigating and addressing the crisis.

Kirby Williams, Anti-Violence Activist/Consultant and Survivor Leader

Sam Howard, BSN, RN, Forensic Nurse Examiner, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Adult Emergency Department, VCU Health
Moderator: Trish Danner, Regional Outreach Specialist, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
11:45am Lunch – Looping showing of film “Little Red”

Showing of the Film “I am Jane Doe” to be followed by discussion with Ms. Mazzio and Mr. Bauer of how they were able to be a major factor in the take down of the Website Backpage.

Mary Mazzio, Director, “I am Jane Doe” and Erik Bauer, Esquire
Moderator: Jerome Elam

1:45pm Breakout Sessions
Option 1: The Impact of Misinformation on Human Trafficking

Sex trafficking has recently become a hot button issue, drawing the attention of politicians, celebrities, and organizations across the country. Everyone is determined to assist victims of trafficking, but this attention has also resulted in the rampant spread of misinformation about trafficking, trafficking victims, and prostitution generally. In this session, we will discuss myths about trafficking, how social media has facilitated the spread of misinformation, identifying reality, and how to best target misinformation online and in person.

Alexia Tomlinson, Esquire, CSE Institute

Mary Haggerty, Esquire, CSE Institute
Option 2: Victim-Centered Responses by the Criminal Justice System

Experienced law enforcement and prosecutors will discuss strategies to implement victim-centered, trauma-informed responses that also account for offender accountability. By recognizing the various barriers impacting a victim’s ability to participate in investigations and prosecutions, law enforcement and prosecutors can begin to minimize those barriers and provide victims with the physical and emotional safety then need to (re)build trust with the criminal justice system. Panelists will additionally present investigation and charging strategies to allow for successful offender-focused prosecutions that do not rely on victim testimony.

Jane Anderson, Attorney Advisor, Aequitas

Bill Woolf, Former Director of Human Trafficking Programs, U.S. Department of Justice
Det. Joseph Scaramucci, Deputy Sheriff, McLennan County, TexasModerator: Patrick McKenna, Esquire, Co-Founder and President of the Virginia Coalition Against Human Trafficking (VCAHT)
Option 3: Trauma-Informed Care: Collaboration and Mutuality
Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to describe the trauma informed principle Collaboration and Mutuality as one of the six principles of a trauma informed care approach.
  • Participants will hear practical examples of how this principle has been applied in a child welfare, a criminal justice setting.
  • Participants will gain knowledge on practical tools and models that they can utilize to apply this trauma informed principle.

Heather LaRocca, Assistant Director of Anti-Trafficking, The Salvation Army
Bailey Hilliard, Inmate Rehabilitation Programs Manager, Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office
Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Michaela Guthrie, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and TBRI Practitioner

Kimberly Huhn-Murphy, Child Welfare Program Specialist, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Shailiegh Piepmeier, Youth Support Lead, Division X TA, Young Adult Consultant on behalf of the Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

2:45pm Trauma-Informed Care – Trustworthiness and Transparency

Join Amanda Corbin, Vice President of Operations at Trafficking in America Task Force, Inc., as she educates the medical community on how to foster trust and patient transparency in treatment with survivors of human trafficking. In this training she explains how client safety looks differently to each patient based on various trauma narratives, cultural identity, access to recovery resources and the personal lived experiences they bring to treatment. She explains how survivors of human trafficking often have a unique configuration of pathology and stresses the importance of proper screening for dissociative disorders. This training highlights how to foster trust while practicing ethically, tools clinicians can use to prepare patients to be transparent with their own trauma narratives and integrate trauma in a safe space.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to describe the trauma informed principle Trustworthiness and Transparency as one of the six principles of a trauma informed care approach.
  • Participants will hear practical examples of how this principle has been applied in a medical setting.
  • Participants will gain knowledge on practical tools and models that they can utilize to apply this trauma informed principle.

Amanda Corbin, Vice President of Operations at Trafficking in America Task Force, Inc.

3:45pm Showing of film “The Silence” and discussion with film director Cleo Tellier
Moderator: Jerome Elam, International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council at Office
for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
4:15pm Shamere McKenzie – review of the day – invite to attend The Voices of Survivors Project
5:45pm Friend of Bill

Host: Nathan Earl. If interested in participating, please contact Nathan @ 954-778-2871 or nathanearl@giantslayer.us
6:00pm The Voices of Survivors Project

Come attend a virtual walk-through of the Voices of Survivors Project Photo Exhibit and participate in a Q and A with the author. Be prepared for a moving experience of learning more about the experiences of trafficking survivors through their own photography. The Voices of Survivors Project is a platform for survivors of human sex trafficking or other forms of violence to express their lived experiences as survivors through photography.

Dr. Heather Evans, Co-Founder, Valley Against Sex Trafficking


MC – Tanya Gould, Survivor Leader & Expert

7:30am Opening of Virtual Summit
8:00am Tanya Gould – Welcome and Housekeeping
8:05am Fidelma B. Rigby, M.D., Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of Human Trafficking Elective, VCU School of Medicine.
8:10am Live Long and Prosper – The importance of Trauma-Informed Care Over A Survivor’s Lifetime

Survivors of the oppressions and violence inherent in human exploitation experience high Adverse Childhood Experience markers (ACES). If left untreated, these survivors face a 20-year decrease in life expectancy. This presentation will explore how the Trauma-Informed principles of safety, transparency/trust, peer support, collaboration and mutuality, empowerment, voice, & choice, and cultural, historic, and gender awareness, support survivors to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Moderator: Dawn Schiller, Training Director, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST), LA County Project, Human Trafficking Survivor Leader

8:30am Trauma-Informed Care: Crisis Response and Safety Planning

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the implementation of the six trauma-informed tenants in crisis & safety planning for trafficking survivors;
  • Identify the barriers to implementing trauma-informed responses in a crisis; and
  • Offer (multiple) trauma-informed strategies in crisis response and safety planning for diverse populations.

Suleman Masood, Subject Matter Expert
Evelyn Chumbow, Survivor and Activist
Nathan Earl, Principal Consultant at Giant Slayer Consulting
Prizila Vidal, Advocate for Foster Youth, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identify and Expression (SOGIE)

Moderator: Wade Arvizu, Published Author, Speaker and Human Trafficking Subject Matter Expert

9:30am The Intersection of LGTBQ+ and Trafficking

LGBTQ+ populations are particularly vulnerable to isolation and marginalization, which often leads to exploitation. Gender non-conforming and transgender individuals experience increased difficulty in obtaining housing because most residential options are divided by gender. LGBTQ+ youth may also be refused from foster homes if they are not in support of their gender identity and/or sexuality. There are also barriers which prevent LGBTQ+ persons from accessing proper healthcare services. These complexities lead to the overrepresentation of queer and transgender persons that experience commercial sexual exploitation and violence.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize specific vulnerabilities of LGBTQ+ Youth
  • Recognize barriers preventing LGBTQ+ people from accessing services
  • Learn how to improve accessibility and services to the LGBTQ+ community
  • Identify tangible steps that you can take to strengthen relationships with the LGBTQ+ community

Aims Babich, Advocate, Activist and Consultant
Jeynce Poindexter, Case Manager, Ruth Ellis Center
Prizila Vidal, Advocate for Foster Youth, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identify and Expression (SOGIE)
Jose Alfaro, Human Trafficking Survivor, Public Speaker, Author, Advocate and Activist

Moderator: Wade Arvizu, Published Author, Speaker and Human Trafficking Subject Matter Expert

10:30am Networking Room/Exhibitor Rooms
10:45am The Impact of Trafficking on Boys and Men

Sexualized violence against boys and men is a global pandemic of violence with a pronounced domestic footprint. Boys Documentary tells the narrative of male sex trafficking through the voices of four brave men and a collection of allies who stand with them in solidarity. After the screening of the film, panelists will discuss sex trafficking of boys and men through a public health lens, and as a social determinant of health. Etiology, comorbidities, and risk factors referenced in the socio-ecological model will be examined.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify individual, interpersonal, and community-level risk factors associated with the trafficking of boys and men;
  • Understand the nexus between substance use/abuse and exploitation of boys, men and non-binary young people;
  • Examine the etiology of male exploitation;
  • Comprehend the prevalence of the trafficking of boys and men in the United States; and
  • Review successful methodologies used to identify male-identifying survivors, and those at risk

Anna Smith, Co-Producer, Boys Documentary
Jose Alfaro, Human Trafficking Survivor, Public Speaker, Author, Advocate and Activist

Moderator: Nathan Earl, Principal Consultant at Giant Slayer Consulting

12:30pm Looping showing of the film “Little Red”
1:30pm Trauma-Informed Care: Peer Support and Mutual Self-Help

Dr. Heather Evans, Co-Founder, Valley Against Sex Trafficking
Nathan Earl, Principal Consultant at Giant Slayer Consulting
Aims Babich, Advocate, Activist and Consultant
Alyssa Santana, Case Manager, Bloom Houses in Lehigh Valley, PA
Catharine Kessack, Executive Director, Valley Against Sex Trafficking (VAST)
Alycha Boehm, Clinical Supervisor for Northeast Emergency Services, Valley Youth Home

There is often much debate and discussion about how and when to incorporate survivor leaders and how to effectively use mutual peer support. If not done with great thought and care, it can be harmful, but also has the potential to be the most effective intervention in the field. How do we assess readiness? How do we invite survivor leaders while also preventing tokenism? These are among the topics of this session, focusing on direct feedback from a study of survivors that talks about the powerful benefit of peer support as well as the risks for re-exploitation and re-traumatization.

Learning Objectives:

  • To explore the advantages and challenges of utilizing peer support and mutual self-help;
  • To identify potential risks for re-exploitation and re-traumatization in utilizing survivor leaders;
  • To address how we can incorporate and utilize survivor leaders while assessing and equipping for readiness for this involvement.

Moderator: Karen Galbraith, Projects Coordinator, PA Coalition Against Rape

2:30pm Breakout Sessions
Option 1: Bridging Gaps and Developing Inter-Cultural Sensitivity During Traumatic Helping Relationships

Imagine being an immigrant and finally finding a way out of working in a restaurant for 18 hours a day without being paid, or getting away from your trafficker who sold you for sexual services, or a construction worker whose freedom of movement was controlled by being locked behind chained gates. Now imagine telling your story to someone, or several someones, who ask you to tell your story over and over again. “They” say they need the details in order to catch the bad guys, but for you, it is traumatic to have to go over your story again and again. It hurts, and it is hard for you to remember all the details in order, because they don’t come in order, and sometimes your story changes because you remember different things. How would you feel? How comfortable would you feel that these people who say they are here to help you, will be able to help you? At what point would you just finally give up and disappear?

Victims who have experienced psychological trauma along with perhaps the psycho-social and also physiological trauma of being trafficked suffer most deeply. Inter-cultural differences can make communicating with law enforcement, justice department, and victim services professionals more difficult. Differences between high context and low context cultures affect how people communicate and think, and how they react to those in positions of authority. Cultural differences also affect how people react to stimuli and their orientation to time and space. Demonstrating cultural sensitivity requires understanding and providing trauma-informed care in order to help survivors develop resilience. This session will provide a brief orientation to inter-cultural sensitivity, explain how traumatic experiences affect the brain, how cultural orientation affects interpersonal interactions, discuss cross cultural approaches to trauma informed care, and provide insights to creating resilience for helping professionals working with victims of trafficking.

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide an orientation to inter-cultural sensitivity;
  • Explain how cultural orientation affects interpersonal interactions; and
  • Provide insights to helping professionals working with victims of trafficking.

Johanna P. Bishop, Ed.D., Director, Behavioral Science Programs, Wilmington University
Donna Sabella, Ph.D., Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and is the PMHNP Track Coordinator at PA College of Health Sciences

Option 2: Trauma-Informed Care: Empowerment Voice and Choice

Healthcare providers are an integral component in the role to combat human trafficking of all forms. In this session, participants will learn the art of engagement through joining and supporting all patients, with the possibility that anyone can be a victim. In working with survivors, a trademark skill of empowerment is a healthcare professional’s appropriate and trauma-informed language and terminology, which helps to support survivors in a willingness to speak out. Further, healthcare facilities have the unique advantage of engaging multi-disciplinary team approach to present as a safe, supportive, and resourceful setting for a survivor’s disclosure. Additionally, schemas and pre-conditioned beliefs that present as barriers to a survivor’s empowerment will be discussed. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize and use survivor supportive language in patient interaction
  • Understand and engage a team approach to serving patients
  • Identify myths and dispel assumptions regarding survivor experience

Amanda Corbin, Vice President of Operations at Trafficking in America Task Force Inc.
Kim Figueroa, Survivor Leader

Option 3: Addressing the Exploitation of the Elderly and Intellectual/Developmental Disabled

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify factors that make these populations vulnerable to exploitation in human trafficking activities
  • Identify physical, behavioral, and situational signs of victimization in these populations.
  • Gain insight into legal and protective measures to assist these populations.
  • Gain insight into legislative activity to protect these populations from victimization.

Douglas Trahey, Emergency Preparedness and Response Coordinator, PA Office of Developmental Programs
Dr. Jo Ann Jankoski, Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Debra Holbrook, Forensic Nurse, Baltimore City Mercy Medical Center
Brenda Mezick, Assistant State Attorney, Miami/Dade Counties, Florida

Moderator: Pat Mowen, Prevention Specialist for the Crime Victim’s Center of Fayette County, PA

Option 4: Taking a Deep Breath—Exploring Mindfulness as a Tool of Wellbeing in Anti-Trafficking Work

The anti-trafficking movement is perhaps one of the most rewarding fields to work in, personally, socially, professionally, and even spiritually. And yet, for many of us who do the work—clinicians, survivors, activists, NGO workers, and law enforcement—the stress level we face can be challenging and even at times debilitating. One tool we can use to deal with such stress is mindfulness—the art of intentionally paying attention with kindness. Although the mindfulness movement has picked up steam in recent years, particularly during the pandemic, it is still not very common for mindfulness-based wellness strategies to be discussed or applied in the anti-trafficking community. This session seeks to help address that gap. We will unpack what mindfulness is about, explore how it can be a tool that leads to greater wellbeing, and practice two types of well-known meditations: guided breath awareness and the body scan. All are welcome, and no experience is required.

Dr. Monti Narayan Datta, University of Richmond
3:30pm Wrap-Up/Next Steps
Trish Danner, Regional Outreach Specialist, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Lead Partner of the RIC
3:45pm Friend of Bill

Host: Nathan Earl. If interested in participating, please contact Nathan @ 954-778-2871 or nathanearl@giantslayer.us