4th Annual Regional Human Trafficking Summit
For Advocates Against Human Trafficking
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2024 • 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2024 • 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Support the Summit, Support Survivors
Sponsoring the Summit is a powerful way to foster ongoing networking and collaboration across regional partners and support survivor leaders. Sponsors enable those invested in anti-trafficking efforts from various fields to come together to create solutions to combat human trafficking. Additionally, sponsorship goes beyond the conference itself, directly contributing to the sustainable inclusion of survivor-leaders in these critical discussions. Sponsors play a crucial role in funding survivor travel, consultation, and the integration of survivor voices into anti-trafficking strategies of the Regional Interdisciplinary Collaborative throughout the year, ensuring that their insights and experiences remain a central part of the ongoing fight against human trafficking.
2024 Summit Sponsors To Date
Platinum Sponsor | $5,000 – $6,000
(Two Available)
- Seven complimentary registrations
- Full page (7.5″ wide x 10″ long) color in program.
- Listings in all event marketing materials
- Exhibitor booth
- Verbal acknowledgments throughout the event
- Display of company name/logo on break slides between presentations
Welcome Reception Sponsor | $4,000
(One Available)
- Five complimentary registrations
- Half-page space in program given to all attendees
- Exhibitor booth
- Verbal acknowledgments throughout the event
- Display of company name/logo throughout Welcome Reception area
Gold Sponsor | $2,000 – $3,500
(Three Available)
- Four complimentary registrations
- Quarter-page space in program given to all attendees
- Verbal acknowledgement throughout the event
- Exhibitor booth
- Display of company name/logo on break slides between presentations
Supporting Sponsor | $500 – $1,000
- One complimentary registration
- Display of individual or company name/logo in program alongside sponsors and also on break slides between presentations
Sponsorship Terms and Conditions
Sponsorship opportunities are accepted on a first-come first-serve basis. Requests must be in written form with sponsor application form and payment in full. Requests and payment must be received by January 26, 2024.
In order to receive all of the entitlements listed, sponsor organizations must provide the appropriate materials (PDF file of their corporate logo, PDF or JPG file of their ad, Website address, all sent electronically). If this information is not received by the above dates, the supporting organizations waive their rights to those missed benefits.
Cancellations must be received in writing. Cancellations are subject to a $250.00 administration fee.
No refund of payment will be made after the above deadline dates.
All sponsorship contributions are voluntary. Acceptance of a sponsor organization does not imply endorsement of the organization’s products or services in any way.
Sponsor organizations will honor the educational focus of the Summit. Solicitation of business in educational sessions is strictly prohibited.
Submission of an online registration indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Deadlines and Ad
- All Sponsor applications must be received by January 31, 2024 with signed agreement and payment
- Sponsors must provide an electronic copy of ad or descriptive paragraph by the above dates, to ensure inclusion in conference program materials.
- Company name/logo used for slides during the Summitt must also be received in JPG format by the above dates.
Ad Requirements: Ads will only be accepted as part of a sponsorship package and cannot contain quantitative descriptions of products or services. All ads must be submitted to the Planning Committee via electronic submission and are subject to Planning Committee approval. Print-ready high resolution (300 dpi) PDF or JPG files are required.
PDF File Requirements:
- Be sure all fonts are embedded when distilling.
- Use the print optimized setting to ensure highest quality